You are frustrated as you've finally qualified as a practitioner in a field of your passion but now translating that has been really difficult.
You’ve signed up for multiple courses to have a better launch strategy and also get more visible to share your product or service.
You’ve been told you need to ‘sell’ on Instagram, by showing up a minimum of 5 times a week, and it feels so uncomfortable.
You absolutely hate putting your face on camera but you don’t feel like you have a choice. Something about it just doesn't feel natural for you to communicate that way.
When it comes to selling your services, you would much rather send out an email, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
You know your program can help so many people, so you need to put yourself out there and sell it.
Maybe you've taken a few courses and learned numerous strategies that seem effective for others, but when you try them, they just don't seem to work for you.

When it comes to sharing your passion with everyone else, something doesn't feel quite right about all the advice you've been given and you can't quite find the language to explain the reason why… leaving you feeling frustrated, exhausted and drained.
You feel like an imposter because even though you have a product or service you are passionate about, you are not necessarily where you would like to be in your own personal journey but know you can still help others while you continue to work on yourself.
You accept you are not perfect, but feel so guilty for doing the exact things you tell your clients not to do.
You want to be able to share your struggles and show up in a way that feels comfortable but doesn't compromise the essence of who you are and what you stand for. However, despite having the best intentions, you know you've only shown people what you think they will like because you have a genuine fear of judgement.
This doesn't feel good and you even begin to question whether you know enough to actually help people. Perhaps this self doubt leads you to think that the only solution is to continue studying to gain more credibility.
You just need to know how to communicate in a way
that’s natural to you and written into your blueprint.
You gain visibility in your niche...

You won't become saturated in a world with one-size-fits-all advice, where it's so easy to lose sight of who you truly are and what you desire.
You'll no longer feel the pressure to conform to conventional methods of communication and visibility; you now understand the severity of how it can stifle your individuality and obscure your message.
Say goodbye to feeling bombarded with external expectations and industry standards, which in the past have made it difficult to discern your individual voice. You no longer feel uncertain and confused, and instead you celebrate feeling empowered by your individuality every day.
You speak more naturally...

You no longer desperately struggle to translate what you do in a way that is understood by everyone outside of your close friendship circle.
No more having a hard time translating what you do and the value it has when it comes to showing up online or in person. You'll no longer feel like your throat chakra is blocked when it comes to sharing what you do or saying things in a way that feels unnatural to you.
Imagine no longer feeling scared to say NO when you don't want to show up in the way you've been told you should operate, speak and present to the world at the expense of what feels good to you. If you want to know how to communicate you’re going to need to feel confident enough to own how, be embodied in what you are saying and how you are saying it.
You feel confident to show up...

This isn’t about prescribing a ‘fixed formula’. Instead, its about personalisation and tapping into your innate strengths so you can begin to explore and embrace your individuality.
Imagine being able to show up on stories freely, and not having to worry or feel uncomfortable about how you look or what you say because you’ve been told that it needs to be 'a certain way' for you to be successful.
Imagine being invited to collaborate or do talks in your niche where you openly share your personal experiences and learnings to inspire your audience to take action, without feeling like you won't be understood.

If you’re done feeling like:
You're an imposter...
because even though you have a product or service you are passionate about, you are not necessarily where you would like to be in your own personal journey but know you can still help others even while you continue to work on yourself.
Confused and uncertain...
about what your individual voice is, and always feeling like you have no other choice but to conform and to live up to the external expectations and industry standards to make an impression.
You are not credible...
because you are not the same as others in the market, you constantly feel guilty for doing the exact things you tell your clients not to do.
I’m going to show you how to make expressing yourself natural so that you can be easily understood and your audience will be inspired to take action to work with you.
Every one of us has a specific way we are meant to express ourselves and engage with the world. When your communication style is misaligned, it starts to create internal friction and frustration and affects and impacts how you choose to show up and how you are perceived by others.
This offer will show you exactly how to leverage on what makes you different and stand out in the market.
Understanding your individual communication style can help you comfortably express yourself more effectively. By adding your unique spin and value, you'll attract more aligned clients into your audience who will want to work with you, as they clearly see the value you bring to them through the service you provide.
You'll uncover how you're designed to show up publicly, so you no longer compare yourself to others or feel like you are an imposter. You will learn the best way for you to Get Visible that is aligned with your Human Design.
You’ll learn how to leverage your innate magnetism, so you can attract more aligned clients and opportunities that help your business grow.
STARTING 02.09.2024
The journey to Get Visible is only a few weeks away!
A Deep Dive into your Human Design - A 60 minute session to re-introduce you to yourself, learn about your true gifts, your natural talents and how you are truly meant to live, operate, use your voice and stand out in the world.
44 + blueprint document for lifetime reference.
2 x 1:1 sessions each month where we look at how you are best designed to build authority and use your own voice in your niche so you feel more confident in how you show up both in person and online.
Support for feedback on your messaging, and ideas for the duration of the 12 weeks ( days to be determined)
A dedicated Get Visible notebook to complete throughout the 3 month journey with action points that help you integrate the learning and insights.
All this so that you can Get Visible and confidently communicate what you do in a way that feels good to you too!
60 min Human Design Session
Blueprint document
6 x 1:1 sessions (2 per month)
Ongoing support and feedback
Get Visible notebook
60 min Human Design Session
Blueprint document
6 x 1:1 sessions (2 per month)
Ongoing support and feedback
Get Visible notebook
60 min Human Design Session
Blueprint document
6 x 1:1 sessions (2 per month)
Ongoing support and feedback
Get Visible notebook
Hello, I'm Marcia
If we haven’t met yet, you should know I’m not like most Self-Confidence Coaches. I’m a coach who has had the same experiences, just like you. I've spent a lot of time not doing the things that deep down felt right for me and always questioning and second-guessing what felt good.
I constantly compared myself to others in my industry, to the point of being afraid to show up at all because I didn't want to be judged and couldn't quite put into words what I was doing differently from everyone else in my niche.
I know all too well the frustrations of feeling like you have to compromise the core essence of you who are and do what you think you should be doing in your industry to Get Visible. As a Human Design and self-confidence coach, I approach coaching with a very unique take: I look at what differentiates you and help you to celebrate that.
Lately, it seems like coaching has become more of a one-size-fits-all approach, encouraging you to use the same messaging as everyone else in your niche, rather than a personalised one that celebrates what makes you stand out. It makes me wanna scream from the rooftops as that simply doesn't work!!!
We are all individuals and need to be treated as such. While I’m a huge advocate for getting out of comfort zones and showing up to Get Visible, what we’re missing is the balance between doing that in a personalised, individualised way so that you can do it confidently without holding back, in a way that feels natural and with ease. And luckily, I’m the woman who’s gonna teach you exactly how to make that your reality!​​​​


You know exactly how to Get Visible in public in a way that feels good to you without the pressure of conforming to industry standards that don't feel natural for you and make you feel like you are not yourself. Knowing that when you do, it's in a way that always feels good and celebrates what makes you different.
You finally feel so seen and understood by your ideal clients when you speak out about how you can help them, bringing you lots of enquiries and interest. You no longer have to dilute your messaging about your passion and the services you provide.
You have so many more opportunities to collaborate and no longer have to compete with other coaches and service providers in your industry, as they see the value in what you do. All this is because you now have the awareness of what it takes for you to stand out and be unique through the lens of Human Design.
… The journey to Get Visible is only a few weeks away!
STARTS 02.09.2024
What is the investment?$3000 with options to pay in full, or 3 payments of $1000 or 6 payments of $500.
How long does the mentorship last?Three months and includes six 1:1 sessions (two sessions each month).
How does Human Design fit into the mentorship?Human Design is used to understand your genetic strengths and unique gifts. These insights are integrated into your overall approach to visibility, helping you to align your actions with your true self for more effective and authentic communication.
Will I receive any materials or resources?Yes, you will receive a personalised notebook full of prompts and strategies to help you track your progress and insights.
Is this program suitable for beginners?Absolutely! Whether you're new to the concept of Human Design or have some experience, the mentorship is tailored to meet you where you are.
Is there a refund policy?We strive to provide the best mentorship experience possible. If, within 7 days, you decide the container isn't for you, please contact us to discuss your concerns and potential solutions.